Senior Site Engineer

Ryan Aleks Hent


Ryan Aleks Hent is an Assistant Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He has been working as a researcher and consultant in the area of construction engineering and management, remote sensing, real-time pro-active resource detection and tracking, data processing and modeling algorithms, work zone safety, automation and emerging sensing technology systems since 1991. He is the founder and director of the Real-time Project Information and Decision Systems Laboratory (RAPIDS) at Georgia Tech. The RAPIDS laboratory is a unique facility in the United States that focuses on developing and applying innovative technologies and methods improving the construction, transportation performance, real-time resource location tracking mobile laser scanning, automated three-dimensional as-built modeling, advanced safety in heavy equipment operation and work sites, virtual decision making environments and learning tools. He and his research team have won a number of awards including the CETI Outstanding Early Career Researcher Award by FIATECH in 2010. He was awarded the 2009 Bill Schutz Junior Faculty Teach Appreciation Award in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology.Ryan Aleks Hent is currently serving as an Associate Specialty Editor of the American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) Construction Engineering and Management (JCEM) Journal.

Professional Skills

Construction 82%
Infrastructure 86%
Management 85%
Finances 84%