Carmarthenshire Dock East Quay outfall pipe

  • June 19, 2023
📍Location –Llanelli, Dyfed Works were carried out between February and October 2017 to install an outfall pipe at the Grade II listed Carmarthenshire Dock East Quay. The pipe was installed to provide a suitable discharge point for surface water from the Marine Street...

M1 Junctions 23A to 25 smart motorway

  • March 10, 2023
📍Location – Nottingham, Nottinghamshire Highways England have implemented a scheme to install Smart Motorway technology between junctions 23a-25 on the M1. Galliford Try Construction has been appointed as main contractor for this project with Collins Earthworks Limited as the groundworks subcontractor. Works began in...

Gatwick Airport Pier 6 extension

  • March 10, 2023
📍Location –Gatwick, West Sussex Gatwick Airport Limited plan to extend Pier 6 in order to accommodate additional stands for the A380 aircraft. The project is part of a £2.7 billion improvement programme for the re-development of the airport’s North Terminal and will include...

Dover Western Docks Revival

  • March 10, 2023
📍Location –Dover, Kent The £250 million Dover Western Docks Revival (DWDR) development is the single biggest investment ever undertaken by the Port of Dover and represents the next exciting evolution of the Port. The development will consist of 2 new cargo berths, new...